R.I.P. Robert Molner, founder of Wide World of Maps, Inc.
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Gun Laws of America: Every Federal Gun Law on the Books : With Plain English Summaries - Wide World Maps & MORE! - Book - Bloomfield Press - Wide World Maps & MORE!

Bloomfield Press

Gun Laws of America: Every Federal Gun Law on the Books : With Plain English Summaries

$ 19.95

Gun Laws of America contains everything about every federal gun law for the first time ever——citizens, dealers, "proper" authorities, Militia, National Guard, global disarmament, free training ammo, your rights, government's limits, lost National Right to Carry, Federal Transportation Guarantee; plus all the new national gun laws you've heard of——the Patriot Act, Homeland Security Act, Brady law, gun-free school zones law, the so-called assault weapons ban, the crime bill, misdemeanor domestic violence gun ban——without a doubt this is the fundamental firearms reference——it's like owning a complete gun law library. Widely endorsed, and the plain-English summaries make it fun to read too! If you knew all your rights you might demand them.

A 70-page overview explains everything—how the federal law works, the numbering system, how the book is arranged, how a quarter-ton of federal law was reduced to under a pound, historical perspective and growth of gun laws, charts and analysis. The statutes themselves are presented in simple numerical order. Straightforward, plain English "Gists" precede each of the federal gun statutes to describe them.

  • It's like an entire firearms-law library at your finger tips—
  • The only unabridged collection of the federal gun laws—
  • Broadly endorsed by legal experts across the country—
  • The plain-English sections help you find any specific laws, and then understand them more easily—
  • Actually fun to read, browse the summaries and you'll see–
  • An invaluable research and reference tool for anyone involved in firearms issues—
  • Includes a first-ever chart of the growth in federal gun law since 1791, in 70 pages of juicy intro material & more!

You owe it to yourself to keep a copy of the gun laws handy • Settles arguments big time • Cheaper than a lawyer, better than many • Perfect for CCW licensees What a unique gift idea • Beats getting a tie • Take a day off, browse it, you'll love it • A valuable tool • Profitable item for your store • Replaces the black hole of ignorance with the bright white light of knowledge • And yes, it's fun to read!

Here are some hot spots from Gun Laws of America (page number in parenthesis):

  • Complete chart of the growth in Federal Gun Laws. (22)
  • State Laws and the lost National Right to Carry. (26)
  • Just how many groups are exempt from firearms laws? Here's the complete federal list with cross-references. (29)
  • One of the surprising conclusions from all the research: The gun laws are generally excellent. (33)
  • The legal numbering system is designed to bamboozle! Demystify the whole thing in a few light-hearted pages. Find out what "§" is and how to write one (55)
  • The entire hierarchical structure of federal law in a chart, from the Constitution to subparagraph (A)(i)(I). (59)
  • The nearly unknown, hidden away Statutes at Large. (73)
  • So what exactly is the Militia? It's described by law—and it's definitely not private musters of rural citizens. (85)
  • The longest gun law on the books, 8,307 words with a 3,710-word list as an appendix. (145)
  • Posse Comitatus. It's in the headlines—should the Army enforce civilian law? See what the law says. (211)
  • Feds can wiretap for gun crimes—plus 2-1/2 pages of other things right down to criminal mischief—and they want more. See if you think they could use more. (220)
  • It may come as a surprise, but, world peace and global disarmament is the official policy of the United States. (249)
  • Isn't the Militia the National Guard? See what the National Guard actually is and decide for yourself. (292)
  • The worst English syntax on the books (my opinion). (302)
  • Official federal policy is to teach firearms safety to youngsters and adults. (341)
  • How will caliber bans affect the general public? (363)
  • One law conflicts with 8 Constitutional guarantees. (374)


  • 384 pages

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